von Bodenteich
(*03.08.1986 - †03.06.2002)

von Bodenteich,
a black‑silver‑tabby
Persian, was born at 3th August 1986. Im November 1986
came er to us.
(3 months)
(3 months)

Overview 1990:
The black-silver-tabby Persian variety can appear in four color, which differ in the color of the dark drawing on the bright silver typed base color. Due to this silver color, the silver tabbies differ from the other tabby varieties. Silver tabbies are very hard to breed. Also, it is relatively difficult to breed a cat with a beautiful head type, completed tabby and eye coloration (green or orange).

Moritz had a very nice silver tabby drawing, wide open green eyes and a bushy tail. His head and nose hardly match today's standard. In his early youth, I also shown him, twice he received his CAP, but Moritz was very afraid, so I could not show him longer.
His show results:
CAP: 10.10.1987 DRV, Berlin / Germany
CAP: 16.01.1988 DRV, Hamburg / Germany
His first exhibition was a bit adventurous at that time, we had to go through the former GDR to Berlin (West) and were asked at the border how many we would be in the car. My father answered: "Four, three adults and our cat". The border guards did not like this answer at all, but he let us continue. Moritz found an average speed of 120 km / h as a pleasant driving. Unfortunately, we were allowed to drive in the GDR only 100 km / h, so he complained constantly loud and heartbreaking.

Moritz played into old age and made as many stupid things as other cats. He liked to play with bottle caps. I threw it away and he brought it back.

12 years and 2 months old
But he also enjoyed hunting for flies, mosquitoes and dragonflies. Every time he saw it, he started to clam loudly every time, wagging his tail excitedly.

Christmas was always for him a nice party. Of course he also always got something to play, but also the gifts from other family members were collected.

At the age of 15 years and 10 months, 3rd June 2002, I had to part with my dear Moritz after six months of very serious illness. It hurt me and my parents very much to have lost such a good and faithful friend. For a long time we considered whether we would take a cat back into the house, but the farewell was very difficult for us and it soon broke our hearts when we came home and Moritz did not meet us. In August 2002 we went for the first time back to a cat show, we decided, By Sullivans Moses, to give a new home.