PERSIAN SMOKE (non-agouti)

PERSIAN SMOKE UND SHADED/SHELL-CAMEO The standard for the Smoke and Shaded/Shell-Cameo Persian is exactly the same as for all other Persians. The coat of the Cameo and Smoke differs from other Persians in that they both have a silver hair shaft with a tipping of colour at the ends. This tipping occurs in different lengths. The tipping is pronounced most strongly in the Smokes it amounts to 2/3 to 1/2 of the hair shaft. With the Cameo or shaded it amounts to 1/3 of the hair shaft. With the Shell or Chinchilla, it amounts to 1/8 of the hair shaft, that no colour should go down the hair shaft and that there is no colour on the hocks.
An article about the smoke / shaded breeding and about the Pewter breeding was made available to me in 03/2021 by Ed Merchant, Cattery Remilakat in UK, which I translated into German and to find of the german website and may use with his permission. In this way, a big thank you to Ed.
Ed and I have discussed a lot about smoke and cameo-shaded/shell breeding, and we agree, as the GCCF and CFA themselves discuss in their breeding guidelines that a shaded or shell is an agouti cat and a smoke is a non-agouti cat.
Since 2008 I have been trying to convey to smoke and cameo breeders which agouti status is necessary to breed "real" cameos. Many "cameo" breeders only go for the silver part, but if I mate smoke with smoke often enough and that over several generations, they will always have a higher silver part and then look like a phenotype, like a cameo, but genetically, called genotype, they are smoke cats. Cameo is the short form of cameo-shaded or also called red-silver-shaded at FIFe. So why should a red-silver-shaded cat be genetically different from a black-silver-shaded cat?
Ed. Merchant. BSc (Hons)
For "I-" you can either have II (homozygous for silver) or Ii (heterozygous for silver).
The smoke appears to look like a solid cat in the Summer months. In the Winter when to coat comes in you can see the beautiful contrast. The coat changes throughout the year.Like all cats it looses its’s undercoat in May and is in full splendour in January/February. They are known as the cats of contrast. As Kitten shows the smoke cat often "reverse coat", i.e. the Smoke is tilted to the outside. At 9 months the smoke cat to start to cover up, so it has with 12 months fully covered with her coat. If a kitten shows more reverse coat, so is better the contrast as adult smoke cat.

black-smoke male 8 months and 2 years old

Silverdance Cloud Dreamer ... black-smoke male 3 weeks and 11 months old
PERSIAN, black-smoke: It is called also Smoke Persian. End 19. Century it was already pointed in England to exhibitions. The coat appears black but when the cat is in motion the silver/white can be clearly seen. The Ear tufts should be silver/white as should the full Ruff. The eye colour should be Copper.
Persian, blue-smoke: The Blue Smoke is a relatively new color variant (since approx.. 20 years).
The coat is exactly the same as the Black Smoke but Blue.
The Blue smokes "blue" colouring is darker as the Solid Blue Persians coat colouring.
Blue Smokes are not seen so often as Black Smokes. Eye colour should be Copper.

Persian, red-smoke (red-cameo-smoke): The resting cat appears to be Red it is only in motion that the silver/white contrast can be seen.The Ruff and Ear tufts are silver/white. Eye lids, nose leather and paw pads are pink. The eye colour should be Copper.
Persian, cream-smoke (cream-cameo-smoke): The Cream smoke has the softest colouring of the smokes.
The tipping is a pale cream with the silver/white contrast being seen when the cat is in motion.
Paw pads, nose leather and eyelids are pink. Eye colour should be Copper.

Persian, (black-)tortie-smoke (FIFE), Tortoiseshell Smoke (CFA): The same applies as to the other smoke colours but the tipping should represent that of a Tortie Solid. Red and Black. A Red flame is desirable on the face. Paw pads, nose leather and eyelids should be black. The color black has priority, to much red are not here desired. Eye colour should be Copper.

8,5 months and 5 years 4 months old

8,5 months old

of Kikiland ...
blue-cream-smoke female

Pele Mele’s Silver Blue IceAngel ...
blue-cream-smoke kitten 12 weeks old,
father: My Fantasy´s Blue Ice Sensation
of Silverdance
Persian, blue-cream-smoke: Blue/cream being the dilute to Red/black. An even distribution of blue/cream on the tipping. A cream flame is desirable on the face. Paw pads, nose leather and eyelids are pink. The color blue has here likewise the priority. A cream flame is preferred also here. Eye colour Copper.
Persian, chocolate-tortie-smoke: This color can have only girls The color chocolate has here likewise the priority. The red is more a rusty-red. The nose mirror is is bittersweet chocolate colors and the paws are chocolate colors.
Persian, chocolate-smoke: The color chocolate smoke is relatively rare. The coat color is chocolate colors tapped and if it gleams itself moved the white underwool you can see. The nose mirror is milk chocolate colors and the foot bundles is cinnamom- to chocolate colors.
Shaded and Shell cats are agouti cats A- I- . You can see this when they are born, they look like silver tabbies. Shaded and Shell cats are the result of careful selective breeding programs to diminish the tabby pattern.
In the shaded / shell cats there is an additional gene, the wideband gene Wb, which pushes the color into the ends of the hair.
WbWb with Silver: homozygous = Chinchilla
Wbwb with Silver: heterozygous = silver shaded
For "A-" you can either have AA or Aa.
For "I-" you can have II or Ii.
Note that silver tabby, shaded and shell have the same genetic code for their coat colour. The only difference is that there is no wideband gene in the silver tabby. (wbwb - non Wideband)
Persian, red-shell-cameo, red-tipped-cameo, red-chinchilla: The under wool is purely white. Backs, flanks, head, ears and tail are easily tapped in red (length of Tipping approximately 1/8 of the hair length). The chin, the ear bundles, belly, as well as the inside of the legs and the lower surface of the tail, must be white. Brown tones and rings at the legs are considered as errors. The eye color is copper or low-orange.
The same applies to the Persian cream-shell-cameo (cream-tipped-cameo, cream-chinchilla), only here the tipping is cream colored.
The Shell-Cameo gives in the colors shell-tortie and shell-blue-tortie, are however very rare.
Persian, shell-tortie: The Tipping is 1/8 of the length of hair as by all shell cats. The Tipping is divided as by a tortie, in black and red. Also this cat have dark copper eyes. She is as all shell cats an agouti cat.

red-shaded-cameo female 13 months old

red-shaded-cameo female 7,5 months old
this cat looks as phenotype as "red-shaded-cameo" but
as genotype she is "red-smoke" / tested non-agouti a/a
Persian, red-shaded-cameo (CFA), red-silver-shaded (FIFE): The general impression of the Shaded Cameo is somewhat darker than the Shell Cameo. The tipping constitutes approximately 1/3 of the hair length. Brown tones, in-colored hair, tabby or closed rings at the legs are considered a fault. The eye color is deep copper or deep orange.
Persian, cream-shaded-cameo (CFA), cream-silver-shaded (FIFE): DThis color corresponds with the red-shaded-cameo. Only here is the tipping cream.

Persian, black-shaded/shell: The tipping is black and constitutes approximately 1/3 resp. 1/8 of the hair length. The nose is black and has a black border also the eyes. Tabby pattern or closed rings at the legs are considered a fault. The eye color is deep copper and the foot bundles are black. Black-shaded and blue-shaded persians are recognized by the CFA since 2020.
gives it in
the same
variants as
- CFA,
ist an
cat as all
shadeds/shells, because
her eyes,
nose mirror,
mouth and
foot paws
has a
pattern or
closed ring
on the legs
are not
Persian, blue-tortie-shaded, blue-cream-shaded (CFA), blue-tortie-silver-shaded (FIFE): This variety is very rare, also by her is the blue-cream-Tipping 1/3, the undercoat is pure white. The eyes are copper. Rings and tabby pattern are mistakes..
One receives really Shaded/Shell-Cameos only, if parents are really Cameo cats. They have a strong rosy edge of eyelids, nose mirrors and foot bundles.
It is often maintained that by crossing two
Smoke cats or a Smoke and Solid, you will get
Shaded-Cameo or even shell-cameo. But that not correctly. To
produce a Shaded-Cameo one of the parents has to be a
shaded. Shaded can give you smoke, but smoke
cannot give you shaded, because smoke is non-agouti
aa I-
and shaded-cameo/shell-cameo is an agouti A- I-
cat. It is
therefore important for a Shaded-Cameo breeder to
know the basic genetics.
Genetically Silver Tabby, Shaded and
Chinchilla/Shell are the same.
More over genetic you can find of this sites: